In this Master’s programme, you will acquire knowledge in fundamental physics and material science, with an emphasis on nanoscience and quantum technology, and gain experience in suitable experimental and computational methods. The competences acquired through advanced practical sessions, projects and internships proposed within the programme are directed towards your future professional activities within both R&D and S&T aspects of academic life and industry. Exchanges to partner universities in France and Sweden are facilitated and can lead to double Master’s degrees.
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This Master’s programme is built upon the following points of view:
To achieve the above goals, our courses in fundamental nanophysics and its applications in material science and quantum technology are combined in a full, two-year Master’s programme, in collaboration with several other scientific institutions.
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All the acquired competences in the Master of Physics will contribute to the easy integration of the graduates in the academic world, the European R&D base, as well as in the private job market. A large portion of our graduates continue their education in a PhD programme, but many of them also find careers in private companies (as scientists, engineers or managers) and teaching or research institutions.
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Diploma requirements
Direct access:
Access after permission:
The previously accumulated knowledge of a prospective student should include, at least:
Since the programme is taught in English, candidates with a prior degree issued outside Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English.
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Mehr Infos zum Studiengang? Besuche die Website!
Mehr Infos zum Studiengang? Besuche die Website!
Our university is located in the city of Antwerp, in the heart of Belgium and Europe. The port of Antwerp is one of the biggest in the world. The city of Antwerp is not just an ancient medieval and baroque city, full of history. It is also a bustling metropolis with a vibrant social scene, impressive architecture and cultural contrasts. Over 170 nationalities live here, more than in New York! This cosmopolitan vibe is also reflected at the University of Antwerp.
First-rate research and education make the University of Antwerp a wonderful place to study and to work. We foster the nexus between research and education. Internationalisation is key to our mission. It is no coincidence that the University of Antwerp is a partner in a highly promising European University Network, the Young Universities for the Future of Europe
As home away from home to over 20,000 students, the University of Antwerp prides itself on operating on a human scale. Our faculty and staff will welcome you into top-notch infrastructure on one of our four campuses. While you’re here you are also invited to enjoy our vibrant cultural programming, sports facilities and many other available student services.
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After completing your studies you can choose to look for work opportunities in Belgium. You can apply for an orientation year and extend your stay in Belgium by 12 months. Guidance and administrative assistance with this process is available through the university.
Mehr Infos zum Studiengang? Besuche die Website!
T | +32 3 265 21 03 |
T | +32 3 265 32 11 |
Wilrijk, Antwerpen
Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Master of Physics
2 Jahre Studienzeit
Kosten EU: 1157 EUR / Jahr
Kosten Nicht-EU: 5800 EUR / Jahr
Wilrijk, Antwerpen
Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Master of Physics
2 Jahre Studienzeit
Kosten EU: 1157 EUR / Jahr
Kosten Nicht-EU: 5800 EUR / Jahr
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