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Digital Text Analysis - Infos zum Master

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Digital Text Analysis


University of Antwerp

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    Digital Text Analysis
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  • Admission requirements
  • Impressionen
  • Masterstudiengänge
  • Why choose UAntwerp
  • Orientation year
  • Kontakt

Studying Master of Digital Text Analysis at the University of Antwerp

The Master of Digital Text Analysis puts computational approaches to text as data first, specifically for students with a background in the Humanities (and Social Sciences). This specific focus on Humanities undergraduates is unique: in just one year, you'll learn how to program complex models of digital text from scratch, using Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, and including state-of-the-art approaches from Computational Linguistics and Literary Studies.
This programme offers you the opportunity to develop a unique research profile that is currently much sought after in both academia and industry.


Present-day society is flooded by digital data. Natural language processing and artificial intelligence have become crucial instruments in managing this wealth of material. Across both academia and industry, there is great demand for research scientists who can efficiently manage and analyse large collections of textual documents and formulate interpretive insights about them, on the basis of computational modelling.
With this programme, we aim to deliver talented young masters, who are experts at analysing textual data using computational means, drawn from modern data science and, especially, the rapid developments in artificial intelligence. We specifically cater for an audience of Humanities undergraduates, from fields such as linguistics, literature or history, who aim to complement their interpretative domain expertise by harnessing computational skills in data analysis.


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Master of Digital Text Analysis: Study Content

The curriculum is unique in its emphasis on data-heavy approaches to language and text from a Humanities perspective. Starting from scratch, the modules cover a wide array of text technologies, ranging:


  • from artificial intelligence (machine learning)
  • over data science (statistics)
  • to natural language processing (computational linguistics)


This ambitious programme seeks to prepare the next generation of highly self-reliant, culture-aware experts in text analytics, who are highly employable in a variety of research contexts across academia and the industry, including the cultural sector.



Starting from scratch, the curriculum covers a wide array of text technologies.


  • Natural Language Processing
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning

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Master of Digital Text Analysis: Career

The focus of this Master resembles that of a Research Master and will deliver ambitious, well-skilled students that are perfectly equipped for a PhD track, for instance, in computational humanities or allied domains. Many students will take up careers as research/data scientist in the (tech) industry, where they’ll work on analysing all sorts of textual data, such as customer data, likely in the context of machine translation, dialogue systems or recommendation engines.
Finally, we expect many of our students to find opportunities in the cultural or GLAM sector (galleries, libraries, archives, museums), where employees combining a passion for computing technology and culture are highly sought-after.

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Master of Digital Text Analysis: Admission requirements

The Master of Digital Text Analysis is open to candidates with one of the following degrees: Bachelor of History, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Linguistics and Literary Studies, Bachelor of Applied Language Studies, Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Communication Studies, Bachelor of Sociology, Bachelor of Political Science or Bachelor of Social-Economic Sciences.
Other academic Bachelor’s degrees need permission from the faculty. No previous experience with computing technology or programming is required (except basic computer skills).


We require a motivation letter that discusses the candidate's prior affinity with a relevant discipline, as well as how this specific programme fits the candidate’s prior experience and future ambitions.
Since the programme is taught in English, candidates with a prior degree issued outside Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English.
They can do so in two ways: Either by submitting a language certificate showing their TOEFL, IELTS or ITACE results (C1 level). Or by submitting proof they have studied at least one academic year (or 60 ECTS credits) in a Bachelor's or Master’s programme about the English language and or literature.

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Digital Text Analysis - Impressionen zum Masterstudium

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Übersicht der Masterstudiengänge - University of Antwerp

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Why choose UAntwerp

Our university is located in the city of Antwerp, in the heart of Belgium and Europe. The port of Antwerp is one of the biggest in the world. The city of Antwerp is not just an ancient medieval and baroque city, full of history. It is also a bustling metropolis with a vibrant social scene, impressive architecture and cultural contrasts. Over 170 nationalities live here, more than in New York! This cosmopolitan vibe is also reflected at the University of Antwerp.


First-rate research and education make the University of Antwerp a wonderful place to study and to work. We foster the nexus between research and education. Internationalisation is key to our mission. It is no coincidence that the University of Antwerp is a partner in a highly promising European University Network, the Young Universities for the Future of Europe www.YUFE.eu.


As home away from home to over 20,000 students, the University of Antwerp prides itself on operating on a human scale. Our faculty and staff will welcome you into top-notch infrastructure on one of our four campuses. While you’re here you are also invited to enjoy our vibrant cultural programming, sports facilities and many other available student services.

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Orientation year

After completing your studies you can choose to look for work opportunities in Belgium. You can apply for an orientation year and extend your stay in Belgium by 12 months. Guidance and administrative assistance with this process is available through the university.


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University of Antwerp

Studienort: Stadscampus Universiteit Antwerpen Prinsstraat 13
2000 Antwerpen
T   +32 265 41 44

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Fakten zum Master




Kunst und Musik, Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften


Master of Digital Text Analysis









Kosten EU: 1157 EUR / Jahr

Kosten Nicht-EU: 5800 EUR / Jahr


Fakten zum Master




Kunst und Musik, Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften


Master of Digital Text Analysis









Kosten EU: 1157 EUR / Jahr

Kosten Nicht-EU: 5800 EUR / Jahr

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